Training Conference Recap


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Training Magazine Conference and Expo 2019

A week of learning, sharing, and connecting. Training Magazine held its annual Training Conference from February 25-26 at Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort in Orlando. While it felt like a vacation at times spending the week in Orlando, we certainly gained new insights and valuable connections during our 4th year exhibiting.

Mobile Coach Director of Chatbot Design Paul Bills spent some time in the Technology Test kitchen discussing his “recipes” for success. The test kitchen is designed to share insights and ideas for incorporating technology into learning. The many technologies that are used for learning can be intimidating to some, so conference attendees come to this space for simple how-tos on creation and implementation. With around 45 people attending, Paul’s session focused on the basics for creating a chatbot.

Vince Han spoke as well, and his session had around 60 attendees. Titled Chatbots – Discover This Secret Weapon to Scale Training Capability, his session addressed all in the audience- from the simple entry level executive to the Industry Leaders and CEOs.  

One attendee wrote, “I was very intimidated coming to a technical session, but Vince made it very relatable and meaningful for me. It was fantastic.” Vince helped attendees with little knowledge of chatbots feel comfortable having an intelligent conversation with colleagues about the emerging technology.

A lot of conversations at the booth started with something along the lines of “Oh, chatbots! My boss is saying we need those but I don’t know anything about them.” We noticed that while almost all attendees were attracted to the idea of chatbots and aware that they would be a valuable asset to their business, many knew little about their capabilities.

We were able to discuss basics of chatbot design and personalized use cases with those who visited our booth. We also educated attendees about the many benefits of chatbots as a point of contact for customer service that works 24/7 for 365 days a year, handling hundreds of conversations at a time.

While chatbots are still in their infancy, they are here to stay and their future is looking bright. As conferences give business owners and employees opportunities to become increasingly educated about chatbot implementations, their adoption is becoming more widespread as a business solution.

Thanks @TrainingMagUS for a great event!

Want to learn more about chatbots? Check out our blog series here!

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Vince Han speaking during Training 2019

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