Webinar Highlights:
Mobile Coach has done thousands of chatbots and based on our experience we derived this top list of best training chatbot use cases. In this webinar our chatbot experts shared successful client implementations for each use case and the best practices they’ve discovered during their years of chatbot design.
Summary of the Top Chatbot Use Cases:
Training Reinforcement
The chatbot helps learners remember and apply learning from a training event.
- Duration: 4-8 weeks
- Frequency: 2-3 push messages a week
- User experience: Reminders, links, quizzes, survey questions, check-ins, videos, pdfs.

New Hire Onboarding
The chatbots helps new hires become acclimated and keep track of important deadlines
- Duration: 4-12 weeks
- Frequency: 2-5 messages the first week then down to 2-3 messages a week.
- Push interactions: Deadlines, links, surveys.
- Pull interactions: FAQs about company and job, menu of resources, access to job aids.
Micro Learning
The chatbot can create a customized learning experience that drips mico lessons over time.
- Duration: Self-paced
- User experience: E-learning course alternative by consuming the content through interactive chat

The chatbot can take over programmatic elements of coaching and create a safe to learn and develop skills
- Duration: 4-8 weeks
- Frequency: 2-3 message a week with optional additional support when needed
- Push interactions: Accountability, goal tracking, reminders, conversation simulator
- Pull interactions: Resource and FAQ
Try it out
Conversation simulator: mbl.coach/Yd9ToG
Safety and Compliance
The chatbot teaches and reinforces important safety and compliance principles and creates an auditable record.
- Duration: 4-8 weeks
- Frequency: 2-3 message a week
- Push interactions: Reminders, lessons, links, questions, quizzes
- Pull interactions: Resource and FAQ

LMS Integration
The chatbot engages and supports LMS users
- Duration: Based on lms learning path
- Web integration: On the LMS the chatbot answers questions and guides users
Mobile Integration: The chatbot directs users back to the LMS, reminds them of deadlines, and can reinforce learning
Performance Support
The chatbot helps employees get resources and answers quickly and in one place.
- Duration: Always available
Pull interactions: FAQ, menu of resources, job aids, links.

Checkout our webinar about “6 Interesting Chatbot Use Cases for Learning”
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