Mobile Coach at ATD 2019


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ATD Recap!

This year’s Annual ATD Conference was held in Washington, DC from May 20-22. Mobile Coach brought along a team of Senior Chatbot Designers, and exhibited at Booth 637. With over 10,000 attendees, 400 speakers, and 400 exhibitors, just about every talent and development industry trend, topic, strategy, and solution was discussed. We came away feeling ready and prepared to face the challenges and the changes that the future holds.

Keynote Speakers

The International Conference and Expo kicked off with an uplifting and motivating question and answer with Oprah Winfrey. Yes, Oprah. Hundreds were lined up for hours from the crack of dawn, and she did not disappoint. Here were some of our favorite quotes and takeaways:

  • “Every day you and I get to hit the reset button on our lives. Every day is an Ah-ha! moment”
  • Give people what they need to feel grounded in themselves. You want to validate them in the space they hold. Let people know they were heard and be present. That’s the greatest gift you can give them.”

The next Keynote speaker was Seth Godin, who inspired attendees to be leaders and make change happen. He encouraged us all to be original:

  • Are you making art or are you making copies? Are you leading or are you managing?
  • Pay attention to worth and value, not price and cost

Lastly, we heard from Eric Whitacre. During his session, he played a video of a virtual choir he created. He said “Now we’ve done seven virtual choirs. Unless it’s a solo, there are no auditions. Everyone can sing. The more voices you get, the better it sounds.” He emphasized that we all have a great potential to be a part of something bigger than ourselves and that each of our voices matter.

The speakers did not just teach, they lifted and inspired each of us to make the most out of life and to have a far greater vision of what we can achieve. Way to go, Oprah, Eric Whitacre, Seth Godin, and ATD for doing an outstanding job creating so many unforgettable moments.

The Mobile Coach Booth

We held mini-sessions each hour over the course of the conference. Our Senior Chatbot Designers discussed topics including using chatbots for gamification, performance support, LMS engagement, post-training reinforcement, and exploring specific features of the Mobile Coach Platform.

Mobile Coach CEO Vince Han led a couple of sessions as well. The first was titled “Beyond AI: The Real Value of Chatbots.” Much of the hoopla surrounding chatbots is in the artificial intelligence that powers them. But their real value is not in the AI but in the frictionless user experience of the conversational interface that chatbots utilize. Vince explored this topic and engaged attendees by having them interact with a chatbot on their devices. The next day with over 120 attendees, he discussed the best practices of designing a chatbot. One attendee commented, “Vince was incredible. Out of every session I’ve been to other than Oprah and Seth Godin, he was the best. So articulate.”

Of course, with working hard comes playing hard. The Mobile Coach team took some time to explore Washington D.C each day after the conference hours. 

Big thanks again to ATD for everything done to plan such a great week of learning, networking, and collaboration. We will see you all next year in Denver!

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Want to learn more about chatbots? Click this link to talk with a Mobile Coach chatbot expert.


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