ATD TechKnowledge Recap


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Mobile Coach at ATD TechKnowledge

Hosted in West Palm Beach, ATDTK this year had a full list of exciting session speakers. In addition, the expo hall was filled with industry leaders from across the country, and attendees came ready to discuss technology! Mobile Coach exhibited at booth 703. We had many attendees stop by the booth to learn more about our new features such as leaderboards, video feedback and smart web pages. Many also received a personalized demo of the platform.

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Mobile Coach was thrilled to be able to discuss industry trends with other exhibitors and attendees, as well as attend multiple sessions that were held during the conference. From all of our interactions, we noticed three themes from ATD TK 2019

  1. The partnership of artificial intelligence and chatbots is proving to be more and more effective in advancing employee performance.
  2. As corporate learners become progressively busier, mobile microlearning is at the forefront of industry radar.
  3. Gamification helps brands to drive user-engagement, drive sales, and boost team productivity.

Many of these trends are beginning to shape the Learning and Training industry, and seem to be here to stay.

“It was surprising how knowledgeable everyone was about chatbots, they were ready to explore the platform more in-depth and consider personalized use cases,” said Cori Richards, chatbot designer. She added, “Because this is still a new field in the L&D sphere conference attendees generally want to discuss the basics of the tech, but at ATD TK attendees asked great questions and wanted to dive right into specifics.” With all of our new features this year, we were able to offer solutions to more attendees about a lot wider range of problems.

Mobile Coach CEO Vince Han gave an insightful session titled “Best Practices for Designing a Chatbot in Support of Learning,” including both interactive chatbot experiences and design tips based off of use cases submitted by conference attendees. Vince received positive feedback, including one attendee who wrote, “Most value added session I’ve attended thus far in the conference. Thank you!”

The session had about 55 attendees, 34 of which received hands-on experience by participating in the in-session chatbot. Vince discussed design tips for three use cases including new employee onboarding, presentation skills post training reinforcement, and machine learning technical course post training reinforcement.

Another attendee wrote, “Great info and tips! Very informative, excited to explore this more. Thank you!” Others noted that Vince’s session was the best and most informative during the two-day conference, and were highly impressed with his knowledge of chatbots.

Other than the lunch bar offering nothing but gluten free bread, we really enjoyed every aspect of the 2019 ATDTK conference

Want to learn more about Mobile Coach? Click here!

Interested in seeing what our chatbot authoring tool can do? Click here for a demo! 

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This past week, The Mobile Coach team headed to West Palm Beach for our third year at ATD TechKnowledge. The conference took place from February 6th to the 8th at the Palm Beach County Convention Center, with around 1200 attendees, 75 exhibitors, and 125 sessions.


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