Chatbots: Never Out of Office!


How much time are you taking off this holiday season?

Teams are regularly asked to do more as the year-end approaches. Between PTO and the holidays, it is common for staff to be stretched to the limits. We all know that maintaining a work/life balance is important, but the reality of the world we live in means that business is 24/7/365. Many companies span across different time zones, countries and continents. That means their employees’ responsibilities do, too!

With fewer people in the office during crunch time, how do you do more with less?

Enter the chatbot. Free up your team to tackle more complex issues and let your chatbot ensure that your programs run smoothly. The Mobile Coach Platform is designed for enterprises to create programmatic chatbots. These chatbots are designed to reach out and initiate conversations that feel valuable to your employees and customers to influence the right behaviors. 

Chatbots are excellent tools for promoting user engagement while providing rich data sets on the backend. Your chatbot can have hundreds or even thousands of conversations, all based on the scripts and parameters set by you. Meanwhile, the Mobile Coach platform collects data on these interactions and generates reports. This gives you the information you need to make high-level decisions without taking time away from the big picture.

Great year round, chatbots are especially appreciated when teams are stretched to capacity. Chatbots handle a wide variety of tasks (across time zones and in different languages) and allow your staff to be more productive elsewhere. Whether that is during the busy months when it’s all hands on deck, during the holidays when people are trying to take a few days off, or when you’re trying to to scale to meet growing demand.

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