Monthly Digest: Engagement, Blended Learning, and Teaching


6 Blended Learning Models: When Blended Learning is What’s up for Students

in eLearning Industry by Judy Thompson

Blended learning is no longer an option for the modern classroom. The combination of face-to-face teaching and online learning opportunities allows for individualization, flexibility, and greater chance for student success. Educators have 6 models to choose from.

5 Ways to Engage Middle Management

in Training Magazine by Sirmara Campbell Twohill

Middle managers often feel like they are on the front lines alone, and they crave feedback and advice from their managers and company leaders.

3 Tips for Effective Microlearning in a Small Business or Startup

in Mobile Coach blogs by Vince Han

4 Ways Fantastic Leaders Recognize Their Employees

in Training Industry blogs by JP George

The best way to improve productivity is to focus on your employee engagement and job satisfaction. An outstanding leader knows that through employee recognition they are able to address how your employees drive customer satisfaction.

Why Companies That Teach Will Win

in CLO Media blogs by Jeff Weber

The knowledge economy demands that companies accept and enable a much higher level of on-the-job learning and development.

The Training Economy

in Training Magazine by Margery Weinstein

The economy is strengthening, but does the Great Recession of 2008 — and recent stock market slide — continue to affect the dollars allotted for your learning and development programs?

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