Monthly Digest: Measuring Value, Video, and eLearning Design


How to Measure the Value of Learning and Development Teams

in eLearning Industry by Laura Overton

Business alignment is a key part of demonstrating value. But what if you don’t have any evidence to show how well aligned you are with business activity and organizational goals?

4 Core Elements of Effective Video for Training

in Training Mag by Diana L. Howles

If online videos are not designed and delivered well, they may not have an impact on learning and performance, or worse, may not be watched at all. Leverage effective video for training with four core elements: great message design; on-camera presence; visual staging; and technical quality.

10 Ways Instructional Designers and Trainers Can Work Together Better

in Training Industry by Dale Ludwig

The transition between training design and delivery is never easy, especially when the designer and trainer are different people. Decisions about structure, examples, exercises, interactions, even slide design may be intuitive to the designer and profoundly confusing to the trainer.

Quiet Leaders: 5 Tips for Success

in Training Mag by Susan Cain

Introverts get into positions of leadership when they care about a cause and people start to trust them, not because they have the loudest voices or larger-than-life personalities. When introverts draw on their natural strengths as leaders, they often deliver even better outcomes than extroverts.

Blended Learning: Which Modality for Which Content?

in ATD Blogs by Diane Senffner

Blended learning addresses all the aspects of adult learning that a classroom often misses—practice, application on the job, and assessment of performance steps. In addition, there must be some type of performance support to reinforce what has been learned, which a blended approach can easily achieve.

Empowering Innovative eLearning Design: Foundations, Barriers, and Practices

in Learning Solutions Magazine by Bucky Dodd

What does it mean to be an innovative eLearning professional? In an industry where innovation is a popular buzzword and change is the only constant, how can eLearning professionals embrace opportunities to innovate and create sustained value and growth within their organizations?

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