Mobile Coach at Learning Technologies 2019


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Learning Technologies Recap

Well that’s a wrap! We spent last week in London at the L&D Industry’s leading conference, Learning Technologies.

The conference took place from February 13-14 at ExCel London. Thousands of Learning and Development professionals came together to collaborate, innovate, network, learn, and discuss emerging technologies. With over 8500 visitors, 150 free L&D seminars, and over 200 exhibitors there was a lot of excitement and activity on the exhibitor floor.

This was our first year attending Learning Technologies and it really exceeded our expectations. There was steady traffic all day long both days. Although we generally see a dip during session times, there were several session theatres inside the conference hall which kept vibrancy, excitement, and heavy foot traffic during the entire show.

Mobile Coach CEO Vince Han said, “The size, scope and quality of attendees and exhibitors created a contagious buzz for learning. Many learning practitioners stopped by our booth and explained the challenges they face in training and developing their respective audience. It was rewarding brainstorming with them how chatbots could make a measurable impact”. We observed that many attendees were very knowledgeable on the latest technology trends in Learning and Development.

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From left to right: Emma Weber, Marie Daniels, Vince Han

One of the highlights of the conference for us was to celebrate an award that our technology received vis a vis a project led by our wonderful partner, Lever Learning in Australia. Lever Learning has designed an innovative “Learning Break” chatbot for learning transfer named Coach M and ran a pilot with Bayer. This work had outstanding results and was recognized with the Silver Award for Mobile Technology by Learning Technologies. At the conference, Vince was able to take a celebratory picture with Emma Weber (from Lever Learning) and Marie Daniels (from Bayer) along with the award.

Overall, Learning Technologies left a valuable impact. Our time spent there was productive and well worth it. The environment, conversations, and sessions gave us relevant and valuable insights. Thank you to everyone who stopped by our booth, we will see you next year!

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Vince at our stand (That’s British for booth!)


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