Remove Learning Barriers


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The Reason To Create Frictionless Learning Experiences

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Learning is key for success in any industry. Benjamin Franklin said, “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” L&D professionals know better than most that ongoing learning is vital to professional development. Without it, skills atrophy and workforce knowledge becomes outdated. So how do we make it more accessible?

“Knowledge has to be improved, challenged, and increased constantly, or it vanishes.” — Dr. Peter Drucker

Our professional lives are a constant battle against developmental entropy. This educational obsolescence is only avoidable if we work hard to prevent it. We know that training, learning and development are synonymous with success. Why then is it so difficult for us to engage with learning programs?

There is no one single answer, and your situation and challenges are unique. Difficulties in development programs are as diverse as the programs themselves. There is, however, a common theme that ties together the problems experienced by L&D professionals:

Friction is anything that discourages engagement with a learning program.

Sources of friction come from many places. L&D best practices go a long way towards reducing unnecessary friction from program design and content. The other half of the equation is harder to control—the learners themselves! People are busy and have a lot on their minds. That doesn’t mean they are bad learners, it’s just friction.  Identifying sources of friction for the end-user unlocks key inroads to making training stick. Removing friction from the user experience of learning needs to be a top priority.

Eliminating friction is a process.

Your solutions will depend heavily on the goals of your program. One of the best ways to create a frictionless experience is by using tools and channels that are already used by the learner. 

The modern workplace is a balancing act. We make daily judgement calls on what to spend our time on. Unfortunately, L&D initiatives are sometimes seen as an additional demand on learner’s time or “one more thing”. To avoid this negative perception, smoothly integrate L&D into an existing channel or workflow.

If you go where your target audience already operates comfortably, your efforts are more likely to have lasting engagement and positive results. Check out our blog post “5 Tips for Choosing Your Chatbot’s Channel” to explore this idea in greater depth.

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Overcome the “Choose To Engage” Barrier.

Use tools and channels that are already used by the learner. If you go where your target audience is already comfortable, your efforts are more likely to have lasting engagement and positive results. Reducing friction this way allows the learner to focus on what’s important – the learning!


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