Introducing LearnBot


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Introducing LearnBot!

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Mobile Coach is excited to announce LearnBot, an innovative chatbot to support the experience of a conference attendee. LearnBot will debut as the official chatbot at Masie’s Learning 2018 conference and is being designed in collaboration with MASIE Productions.

LearnBot takes advantage of a wide array of the Mobile Coach Platform chatbot authoring features, all focused around the idea of making conference attendees feel more included and informed throughout the conference. Elliott Masie describes LearnBot as a “developmental innovation.”

Some of LearnBot’s features include:

  • The ability to contribute to a “public notebook” for each session of the conference, where users can review their own notes and the notes of others both during and after the conference
  • Immediate suggestions for sessions and activities, including real time “what’s hot” activities based on trends happening at the conference
  • 24/7 availability for questions about the event, venue, and offerings
  • Secrets and Easter eggs that users can discover at the conference and message to LearnBot for fun surprises
  • The ability to log attendance of conference participants
  • And more to come!

LearnBot is still in development, and the Mobile Coach team will be onsite at the conference to take feedback, provide insights, and explore the potential of future conference chatbots. We are so excited and honored to be working with the Masie team to bring LearnBot to the Learning 2018 conference, and can’t wait to see what we learn from this opportunity.

We invite you to join us, and thousands of other learning professionals and executives, at Masie’s Learning Conference in Orlando, Florida on Nov. 4 – 7th.

This year’s edition will feature more than 150 sessions, labs, discussions and other learning activities that will explore the current and future landscape of learning. Keynote speakers will include Leslie Odom Jr., star of “Hamilton and author of “Failing Up, former First Lady Laura Bush, Dan Pink, author of “When” and “Drive”, Vicki Lau, and of course Elliott Masie.

Learn more about Mobile Coach chatbots at
Learn more about Masie’s Learning 2018 conference at

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