Monthly Digest: Gamification, Mobile Coach Leaderboards


New Mobile Coach Feature: Leaderboards!

With Mobile Coach’s new automatic leaderboards, you can now take chatbot gamification to the next level by leveraging competitive juices within your teams and departments. The Mobile Coach Platform automatically generates leaderboards and pushed them to participants via a link in a text message.

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Some Recommended Reading

Let the games begin: Developing a digital strategy for gamification

by Mihir Shah at IT Pro Portal

Gamification can be used to engage customers and employees in a fun and interactive way. Applying gamification tactics can allow firms to create exciting experiences that capture people’s attention in a memorable way.

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Gamification in Learning- A Major Breakthrough for Re-skilling

by Arun Rajamani at DataQuest India

Innovation in technology happens at such a rapid pace that constant learning and “re-skilling” are an imperative to keep employees up-to-date. Gamification of learning is an important aid in keeping employees attention on the learning and applying process.

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Gamification: What E-Learning Modules Can Learn from Video Games

by Henry Kronk at Elearning Inside News

How KFC uses gamification and VR to train new cooks on the KFC cooking process.

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5 Things to Consider in Gamification Design

by Monica Cornetti at ATD Blogs

To create a fun and rewarding gamified learning experience you have to learn to think different. This article discussed five things to consider in your designs including: carefully considering your reasons for gamification and prioritizing the desired actions and outcomes.

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