CRM Lite: Quick New Distributor Success

Why New Distributor Tools Must Be Frictionless

New distributors often start their new venture with excitement and love of the company and products, but many are inexperienced and can become quickly bogged down by all the new information, lack of skills, and wealth of tools to learn. Getting quick success is paramount for distributors, which means eliminating that early friction point and overload, while still providing just enough to get distributors that first taste of success. 

The simplest solution is to remove the noise and reach them in a tool they’re already using, their messaging app. A chatbot can be a seamless support tool for new distributors because it can connect with them in the same place they are speaking to family and friends. 

Our CRM Lite makes it easy for new distributors to build on momentum instead of getting stuck with traditional prospecting tools. This chatbot serves as a motivator and coach as distributors build their initial prospecting and contact lists.

How the CRM Lite Works

This new distributor tool focuses on helping users start prospecting quickly. CRM Lite can not only save you time, but also prioritize the most important activities. It can help distributors to get immediate success.

It’s simple to use, no need to download an app and remember a new complicated system. Instead, distributors just tap and type. Then the chatbot keeps track of their progress, nudging them when they need it and motivating them when they get the work done. Which is why it’s extremely effective and helps a new distributor take those vital first steps. You can learn about this feature and more sales assistant features for direct sellers here.

 Try a demo

 Text “Hi” to (352) 577-0023 

As any Mobile Coach chatbot, CRM Lite is easy to set up and totally customizable from the name of the chatbot to the messages we send. We can tailor that to your brand and culture.

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Learn how Mobile Coach chatbots will help you drive real engagement with your audience to achieve the key behaviors and results you want.